Our technology helps you to create smarter cities of tomorrow, today. Give drivers the best parking data which will reduce traffic congestion, improve experiences and reduce emissions.
Make your city the destination of choice by ensuring customers can navigate and park easily.
Increase revenue through web-based, ticketless parking, which simplifies traditional parking transaction methods. Also offer incentives and loyalty programs to encourage repeat visits and generate repeatable revenue.
Embed the parking solution within existing or new mobile applications to create an all-in-one city experience for your drivers.
Jason Nightingale
Mount Hotham Resort Management Board
Streamline public access with secure, advanced booking options. Ideal for high-demand areas, it empowers visitors and employees to reserve spaces in advance, reducing congestion and enhancing parking efficiency. This system provides a reliable, on-demand parking experience, meeting the unique needs of public spaces while optimising space utilisation and improving overall satisfaction.
Designed to maximise space utilisation, UbiAgile adapts to fluctuating demands by allowing drivers to share spaces, optimising parking availability and reducing overhead costs. Drivers can store credit card details on file for fast entry and exit at a facility. They can also pre-pay for parking via a monthly or annual subscription, ensuring secure spaces are available as required.
A comprehensive parking management suite that centralises all parking options in one user-friendly platform. Cities can seamlessly manage a range of parking solutions, from daily reservations to permit parking, all in one place. This powerful tool optimises space allocation, simplifies permit management, and enhances efficiency, providing cities with a robust, flexible system to meet diverse parking demands with ease.
UbiMobile’s whitelabeled solution helps government agencies enhance public parking management by seamlessly integrating into city apps. Citizens can easily find, reserve, and pay for parking, with real-time updates and contactless access which optimises parking efficiency, reduces congestion, and provides valuable data insights to improve urban planning.
Integrate with your current parking infrastructure to improve the management of public parking spaces. With the ability to integrate into current real-time occupancy sensors, automatic license plate recognition (LPR/ANPR), and QR code scanners, it flexibly helps streamline operations, reduce congestion, and enhance the overall parking experience for residents and visitors.
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